Classic Design: the Blade Runner Sketchbook
This has done the rounds a few times, but the Blade Runner sketchbookcontains some stunning concept work by Syd Mead, Ridley Scott, and others who worked on the film.
Read ArticleThis has done the rounds a few times, but the Blade Runner sketchbookcontains some stunning concept work by Syd Mead, Ridley Scott, and others who worked on the film.
Read ArticleA typographic service based in Bangkok Thailand presents an awesome new font.
Read ArticleThis first year project was to design a themed cover design for one of the HOW magazine specialty issues.
Read ArticleA strong logo sets the tone for any venture, big or small. HOW wants to celebrate the phenomenal work you do establishing identity for clients, yourself, a social event—or even an imaginary company!
Read ArticleChip Kidd doesn’t judge books by their cover, he creates covers that embody the book — and he does it with a wicked sense of humor. In one of the funniest talks from TED2012, he shows the art and deep thought of his cover designs.
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Read ArticleJoin Brenda Sutherland, Illustrator product manager, and she shares an exciting new way to create seamless, repeating vector patterns in …
Read ArticleThe League is the result of the open source movements, clamoring for better font selections for websites.
Read ArticleAfter attending last year’s Wordcamp Miami, I was all in for 2012. The team decided to give me a crack at the logo.
Read ArticleClear and simple identification of the many parts of a css declaration.
A CSS rule has two main parts: a selector, …
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