Wordcamp Miami 2012 Brand

After attending last year’s Wordcamp Miami, I was excited about getting involved in the next one. After showing what I could do, the team decided to give me a crack at the logo. Here’s how it went down:
Working on the Wordcamp logo was fun, but posed a few challenges. Miami was known for only a few iconic things, water being one of them. Then there was the South Beach, the Dolphins, Miami Vice and the Heat. I remembered that the clear night sky was also a point of interest. Fellow web guru Rick Tuttle, agreed.
The next step was on the computer. Using the official WordPress color scheme, I started in on the graphics.
The first set I produced was a neutral solution focused on the initials MIA with the dot being the WordPress logo. Using the primary WordPress colors, I made a version for a positive and negative background.
The next option focuses on the moon and skyline as part of the design. A subtle tip to “Deco” is applied to the text below, tying it to South Beach’s Deco District.
The next option focuses stuck with the moon and skyline, but created a physical application to a graphic tag or sticker.
As the process moved forward, the following adjustments were made. The “Moon over Miami” concept got the most votes from the team, so we tweaked that to present the Miami image. Rick Tuttle did an excellent job on the website. Here are the web banner concepts:
A few variations popped up as we proceeded. The “heat” logo made an appearance. A bit too flashy for the banner, so.. it was also considered for specialty items. I made a few mockups to sell the team on the idea.
Settling on the Moon concept as the official look, we began to develop all other materials around the look. here are the solutions for the twitter page:
And the badges:
Finally, the WordPress fireball made it’s grand debut as the official graphic of the t-shirt and the stickers:
The final choice of fabric was a deep chocolate, which was the right choice in retrospect. I had a lot of fun working on this project with David, Ptah, Rick and everybody else. I hope to be more active throughout the year with the hopes of attending more Wordcamps around the country. Thanks who everybody who had input on this project. True teamwork. THX!
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