
Masked! Student Project

posted on March 18th 2012 in Slider & Student Work with 3 Comments

Taking a tip from famed Illustrator guru Von Glitschka, the principal of Glitschka Studios, I put together a great ice breaker exercise for my students. Using Adobe Illustrator, the students designed custom masks, cut them out and glued them on sticks. The process involved designing the mask on paper, scanning it into the computer, and tracing only the left half. Afterwards, using Illustrator’s Transform tools, they copy and Reflect the left to the right side. Afterwards, they fine tune and tighten up the solution.

When complete, the students print out the masks and mount them on sturdy card stock. Each mask was then carefully cut out, and mounted on a paint stirring stick. We did a cute line-up of the students holding up their masks in front of their faces. Here’s the result:

Web/Graphic instructor & designer, illustrator & recovering fontaholic.

currently there's 3 comment(s)

  • Maurice

    commented on May 1, 2012 at 1:55 pm

    I like this…wish we did this when I was a student in your class!

    • samsayshi

      commented on July 7, 2012 at 9:22 am

      Thanks, Maurice. Stay tuned for more student work in the coming weeks and months.

  • Dania

    commented on February 24, 2013 at 6:24 pm

    This is awesome! I miss your classes, Sam! Your projects were always fun 🙂


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