How to Suck at Powerpoint
I’m not a big Powerpoint fan (Keynote is my app of choice) , but I’ve discovered that without design discipline, any product, including a PPT file, can be a recipe for disaster. Nothing kills a buzz like a poorly designed slide with too much crap in it. To help a fellow colleague, I’ve posted some info that may help “would-be speakers” avoid the common pitfalls of a slideshow that sucks. Here are a few scary examples of PowerPoint design gone awry:
And, finally, the man himself, Mr. Bill, wins my award for Worst PowerPoint Presentation EVER. Not very comforting from the company that actually invented the product! Check out THESE puppies:
Still holding down your lunch? Good for you! Now let’s get down to brass tacks. You need to recognize the problem before you get caught up in it. Watch this slideshow from Ham Diyon for the “DON’TS” of a Powerpoint prez. Hope it helps!
That it! So I hope you’ve learned your lesson. Here is a lovely parting gift from Dilbert.
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