
Xplosion Fitness Logo Design

posted on March 18th 2012 in My Work & Slider with 0 Comments

How I solved the visual ID challenge of a client that I never met or spoke to personally. This job was brought to me through Armstrong Creative Consulting. The client was looking for a graphic solution to his business name that communicated high impact exercise and robust techniques. He already had the name, but was looking for a visual to support it.

After a brief review, the client emailed back his happiness with the “O” being a cartoon bomb ball. I proceeded from there. Step two was to nail down the color, which he was also unsure of.

The client also expressed having the word “fitness” incorporated into the name, to separate the visual from a fireworks store image

After a lengthy review, The client settled on a three-color solution of Red Black and Yellow. The sparked fuse added a touch of urgency to the company signifying that the workout is intense and focused on results.

The two requested visual IDs were a business card, and a promotional postcard. The results are shown below.

Here’s some of the client’s feedback on his design:

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Web/Graphic instructor & designer, illustrator & recovering fontaholic.

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